
We specialize in the creation of events and personalized culinary offers adapted to your needs and your budget.

Opt for a reception with table d’hôte. Whether it’s a 3, 4 or 5 services, you will certainly find the formula that will please everyone. Personalize your menu by selecting different items from our specialties.

Are you looking to do something different from a traditional table d’hôte for your event? Why not opt for a reception with bites and canapés? A drink in one hand, food in the other: the best of both worlds!

Burrata bar, taco bar or Italian dessert station? For a wow effect opt for our personalized bars and stations that will meet all your needs. It’s a creative and delicious way to impress the crowd.

Do you need a take-out option for your business meetings or outdoor gatherings? How about an antipasto platter as well as individual lunch boxes? Check out our different boxes and platters. You won’t go wrong!

Another idea?
Contact us now

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Contact us
367 777-1170 ext. 4

250 Wilfrid-Hamel
Quebec (Quebec)
G1L 5A7

Opening hours
Monday – Friday
9AM to 5PM
(Closed on weekends)